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18/11/2023 às 18:12 - há XX semanas | Autor: Da Redação


Justiça obriga T4F a liberar entrada de água no show de Taylor Switf

Empresa deve ainda tomar medidas para amenizar o calor do público

(FILES) US singer-songwriter Taylor Swift performs during her Eras Tour at Sofi stadium in Inglewood, California, August 7, 2023. "The Eras Tour has been the most meaningful, electric experience of my life so far and I'm overjoyed to tell you that it'll be coming to the big screen soon," Swift said on social media August 31, 2023. "Eras attire, friendship bracelets, singing and dancing encouraged." (Photo by Michael Tran / AFP)
(FILES) US singer-songwriter Taylor Swift performs during her Eras Tour at Sofi stadium in Inglewood, California, August 7, 2023. "The Eras Tour has been the most meaningful, electric experience of my life so far and I'm overjoyed to tell you that it'll be coming to the big screen soon," Swift said on social media August 31, 2023. "Eras attire, friendship bracelets, singing and dancing encouraged." (Photo by Michael Tran / AFP) -

A Justiça do Rio de Janeiro determinou neste sábado, 18, que a empresa Time For Fun (T4F), organizadora dos shows da cantora Taylor Swift no Brasil, libere a entrada de água potável, isotônicos e refrigerantes no Estádio Nilton Santos, o Engenhão. A empresa deve ainda tomar medidas para amenizar o calor do público.

A decisão do juiz Marcello Rubioli ocorre após a morte da estudante Ana Clara Benevides, que passou mal durante a primeira apresentação da turnê e morreu.


Fã morre em show de Taylor Swift no Rio de Janeiro

"Permita a entrada de água potável, líquidos isotônicos ou refrigerantes, desde que industrializados e lacrados, aumente o número de ambulâncias e profissionais de saúde de prontidão no evento, sob pena de multa da ordem R$1.000.000,00 ao dia em caso de descumprimento", diz a decisão.

A determinação prevê também a instalação de climatizadores por jato d’água nas áreas internas e externas do evento, com multa de R$ 1 milhão por dia em caso de descumprimento. A decisão judicial atende a um pedido do deputado estadual Fed Pacheco (PMN) e determina a

A causa da morte da jovem ainda não foi informada, e não está claro se há relação com o forte calor ou com o baixo consumo de água.

A Time For Fun (T4F) informou que o público poderá entrar com copos de água e pacotes de alimentos lacrados no show deste sábado, esclarecendo que a proibição de garrafas de água é uma exigência dos órgãos públicos e que a comercialização de bebidas e alimentos é responsabilidade da administração do estádio.

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Taylor Switf

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Taylor Switf

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(FILES) US singer-songwriter Taylor Swift performs during her Eras Tour at Sofi stadium in Inglewood, California, August 7, 2023. "The Eras Tour has been the most meaningful, electric experience of my life so far and I'm overjoyed to tell you that it'll be coming to the big screen soon," Swift said on social media August 31, 2023. "Eras attire, friendship bracelets, singing and dancing encouraged." (Photo by Michael Tran / AFP)

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(FILES) US singer-songwriter Taylor Swift performs during her Eras Tour at Sofi stadium in Inglewood, California, August 7, 2023. "The Eras Tour has been the most meaningful, electric experience of my life so far and I'm overjoyed to tell you that it'll be coming to the big screen soon," Swift said on social media August 31, 2023. "Eras attire, friendship bracelets, singing and dancing encouraged." (Photo by Michael Tran / AFP)

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(FILES) US singer-songwriter Taylor Swift performs during her Eras Tour at Sofi stadium in Inglewood, California, August 7, 2023. "The Eras Tour has been the most meaningful, electric experience of my life so far and I'm overjoyed to tell you that it'll be coming to the big screen soon," Swift said on social media August 31, 2023. "Eras attire, friendship bracelets, singing and dancing encouraged." (Photo by Michael Tran / AFP)

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(FILES) US singer-songwriter Taylor Swift performs during her Eras Tour at Sofi stadium in Inglewood, California, August 7, 2023. "The Eras Tour has been the most meaningful, electric experience of my life so far and I'm overjoyed to tell you that it'll be coming to the big screen soon," Swift said on social media August 31, 2023. "Eras attire, friendship bracelets, singing and dancing encouraged." (Photo by Michael Tran / AFP)

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